Monday, July 29, 2013

Caroline H. Newhouse Scholarship - $2000

Financial support is available to current and former professional dancers who can demonstrate earning their livelihood from performing as a dancer. Choreography or teaching dance is not applicable for meeting eligibility requirements.

Grants of up to a total of $2,000 for each individual may be awarded to those dancers who are able to provide relevant documentation to meet ALL of the following eligibility requirements:

A performing dance career of 7 or more years. Performing years need not be consecutive or current, and

100 weeks or more of paid dance employment in the United States within a career-span of 7 or more years, and

Total gross earnings of a minimum of $56,000 arrived at by combining the annual gross income of the 7 highest earning years of a performing dance career. 

For work done entirely under union jurisdiction, providing documentation of 100 or more weeks worked in the United States in at least 7 years under union jurisdiction will meet all eligibility requirements. Documentation of additional earnings is not required.

2013 Application deadlines: Aug 28 and Oct 30

Determine your eligibility

Please contact Ann Barry, Grants Administrator by phone at 212 764 0172 x224 to determine your eligibility. After your eligibility to apply for funds has been determined, you must schedule an initial consultation with a career counselor. In New York City, call 212 764 0172; in Chicago, call 312 666 0234; in Los Angeles, call 323 549 6660.

More info:

Career Transition For Dancers

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