Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's All Up to You (Scholarship Slam)


Calling all poets! You are the writers of intimate dialogue with the world and emotion. Power Poetry invites you to participate in one of the countless opportunities that our feelings can experience. They ask for your desired words to scatter the page and overstep the boundaries of every day structure. Today, the world relies on your efforts to write and protect true history—the one we each survive with. Tell your story with the melody of a poem. Be proactive and share what you have hidden for the right occasion. This is the occasion. You are the poet.

Today they invite you to tell them the poem untold. That’s why for this scholarship slam, it’s all up to you! Submit an original poem about anything at all, and you may win $1,000 to put towards your college education.

  •  Make sure you're eligible by checking out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and the contest rules. Basic requirements? (1) 25 years of age (or younger), (2) a current or former high school student in the U.S. who will attend or is attending college in the U.S., and, (3) a submitted poem. 
  • Become a Power Poet by registering to be a part of our community. Look at previous winners, Action Guides and other poems for inspiration. 
  • Add an original poem to Power Poetry by October 4, 2013
  • Check our FAQ if you have any questions about the contest. 
More info:  http://www.powerpoetry.org/poetry-slams/its-all-you-scholarship-slam

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